Daily Guide
June 19-25
Hear God –Daily Two Way Conversation with The Lord Guide June 19-June 25 is a general guide to help you get started, not the ONLY Way to have a conversation with God. When a colt is being started and gentled, learning to follow the Master’s Lead, what actually takes place in the ‘conversation’ between them varies from colt to colt…so feel free to think of this as a guide, but not law. This could take from 10 to 30 minutes depending and where you are on your journey.
Each Day This Week: Memory Verse for the Week
Begin by Praising God…tell him what you think of him-his Goodness, Power, Holiness, Love, etc. etc. etc.
Then Thank Him…count your many blessings name them one by one
Ask: Lord, please fill me with your Holy Spirit today so that I might hear you remind me throughout the day of what you have already said. Then as you look at this text,
Listen: Talk to God about the things that you are likely to be involved in and face today that you will need Him to be involved in and speak to you about. Write down what you sense God says to you by his Spirit in your heart, and through this Scripture, as it relates to what is going on in your life. Write down how you respond to the fact that in God’s eyes, your old nature has been crucified and buried, and you have been raised to new life with Christ.
Ask: Lord please forgive me for … confess to God whatever comes to mind here. Then thank God that your sin is ALREADY forgiven through what Jesus Christ did on the cross. If there’s nothing much to confess some days, thank God for that, but don’t get too proud, it’s only been one day! ☺ And if you do get proud, confess the sin of PRIDE!
Listen: Write down what you sense God says to you by his Spirit in your heart now that you have confessed.
Ask: write down and ask God for the requests you have for yourself, and others.
Listen: write down what you sense God saying to you about these requests, particularly anything that comes to mind that you might be able to do this day about those requests, and the things going on in your life, that would honor him.
Ask: God to empower you to trust him and obey him in these things today!
ON MONDAY June 19 read Matthew 5:13-16
How will you be ‘salt’ today...preserving what’s worth saving, and purifying what’s gone bad in our land? Pray about that.
ON TUESDAY June 20 read Matthew 5:13-16 again.
How will you be ‘light’ today...revealing the truth that’s hidden, and exposing the darkness of lies that are hiding the truth. How will you show someone the way with the light of Jesus in you today? Pray about that.
ON Wednesday June 21 read I John 3:8
What are some of the things you see in the moral decay of our land that are the works of the devil. What does Jesus call you to do about them?
ON THURSDAY June 22 read John 17:11-15
How can you be in this world but not of it today?
ON FRIDAY June 23 read I Corinthians 5:9-13
We are told to be in the world but not of it...to not judge lost people or expect them to act saved...but we are told to – in the proper way and time...to hold each other as Christians accountable for patterns of sin in our lives. What is the Lord saying to you about this?
ON SATURDAY June 24 read matthew 5:13-16 again.
ON SUNDAY June 25 read John 8:12 in preparation for today’s message and pray for Pastor Marty as he brings the message.
Hear God –Daily Two Way Conversation with The Lord Guide June 19-June 25 is a general guide to help you get started, not the ONLY Way to have a conversation with God. When a colt is being started and gentled, learning to follow the Master’s Lead, what actually takes place in the ‘conversation’ between them varies from colt to colt…so feel free to think of this as a guide, but not law. This could take from 10 to 30 minutes depending and where you are on your journey.
Each Day This Week: Memory Verse for the Week
Begin by Praising God…tell him what you think of him-his Goodness, Power, Holiness, Love, etc. etc. etc.
Then Thank Him…count your many blessings name them one by one
Ask: Lord, please fill me with your Holy Spirit today so that I might hear you remind me throughout the day of what you have already said. Then as you look at this text,
Listen: Talk to God about the things that you are likely to be involved in and face today that you will need Him to be involved in and speak to you about. Write down what you sense God says to you by his Spirit in your heart, and through this Scripture, as it relates to what is going on in your life. Write down how you respond to the fact that in God’s eyes, your old nature has been crucified and buried, and you have been raised to new life with Christ.
Ask: Lord please forgive me for … confess to God whatever comes to mind here. Then thank God that your sin is ALREADY forgiven through what Jesus Christ did on the cross. If there’s nothing much to confess some days, thank God for that, but don’t get too proud, it’s only been one day! ☺ And if you do get proud, confess the sin of PRIDE!
Listen: Write down what you sense God says to you by his Spirit in your heart now that you have confessed.
Ask: write down and ask God for the requests you have for yourself, and others.
Listen: write down what you sense God saying to you about these requests, particularly anything that comes to mind that you might be able to do this day about those requests, and the things going on in your life, that would honor him.
Ask: God to empower you to trust him and obey him in these things today!
ON MONDAY June 19 read Matthew 5:13-16
How will you be ‘salt’ today...preserving what’s worth saving, and purifying what’s gone bad in our land? Pray about that.
ON TUESDAY June 20 read Matthew 5:13-16 again.
How will you be ‘light’ today...revealing the truth that’s hidden, and exposing the darkness of lies that are hiding the truth. How will you show someone the way with the light of Jesus in you today? Pray about that.
ON Wednesday June 21 read I John 3:8
What are some of the things you see in the moral decay of our land that are the works of the devil. What does Jesus call you to do about them?
ON THURSDAY June 22 read John 17:11-15
How can you be in this world but not of it today?
ON FRIDAY June 23 read I Corinthians 5:9-13
We are told to be in the world but not of it...to not judge lost people or expect them to act saved...but we are told to – in the proper way and time...to hold each other as Christians accountable for patterns of sin in our lives. What is the Lord saying to you about this?
ON SATURDAY June 24 read matthew 5:13-16 again.
ON SUNDAY June 25 read John 8:12 in preparation for today’s message and pray for Pastor Marty as he brings the message.
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